Monday, August 11, 2008

We partied all summer long.....

Eliza started the summer parties turing six in April

Owen turned three in June

and then Carson turned nine in July

needless to say there has been an abundance of cake and ice cream....lucky us!!!


fuelMybrain said...

I love it, I love it, I love it!!! Your kids are soooo cute! Awesome castle cake, looks like sugar highs all around for you guys. I'm stoked for updates on your blog. Love ya!

The Johnson's said...

Wow, you do have lots of summer birthdays! I really like that castle cake--the pic of Owen and his cake is so cute!

Malia said...

Kaly, I love getting a glimpse into the world of the Dushku's in Providence. Seeing the pics brings it all to life. What a fun summer! Thanks for being my blog buddy :)!!